
It's time to turn the journey around and focus on the children. Playgrounds are no longer just pit stops that need to be scheduled. The playgrounds are now the destination of the journey, and during the transportation between them, you'll glimpse half-timbered houses, peek into small shops, discover cafes, and experience Ystad. Now, let's embark on a playground safari!
Playground Safari:
discover Ystad from the perspective of the children
We present: five playgrounds that takes you around Ystad

The hidden gem on the pedestrian street is the playground Åfåran. A meticulously and recently renovated playground with something for all ages. The playground is beautifully nestled between courtyard houses, and the journey here offers charming alleys that become sights to see when the family discovers them together.

Norra promenaden
Along what once was Ystad's northern city border, a green park follows on both sides of a small stream. The park offers walking paths with blooming plantings, an outdoor stage, and, of course, a playground. Bring your own picnic and settle down on one of the lawns or visit the park's NP Bistro for refreshments.

Newly built school playground - Källan
Not far from Ystad's swimming pool and arena, you will find a schoolyard with a soccer field, slides, and other amenities. If you're traveling with slightly older children, this schoolyard can be well worth a visit. Just make sure it's a public holiday or a day off before you enter, so you don't accidentally get called into unnecessary lessons.

Nature playground in the shade - Skogsparken
Intill naturreservatet Sandskogen, precis öster om regementsområdet, hittar ni mysiga skogslekplatsen. Hit tar ni er genom luftig tallskog till fots, med cykel eller med bil. En picknick här är helt rätt tänkt. Får ni inte nog av natur så är promenaden till havet kort härifrån.

Lek med fisketema - Småbåtshamnen
Ystads småbåtshamn är ett måste för stadens alla besökare. Här samsas turister, ystadbor och yrkesfiskare om solplatserna på bryggorna. Lekplatsen här är liten men välplanerad. Det är inte överallt du kan krypa genom ett fiskenät! Intill lekplatsen hittar du en stor grönyta, grillplats, boulebanor och såklart möjligheter att köpa glass eller avsluta leken med en middag på Restaurang Marinan.